Friday, July 11, 2014

Raub Durian Orchard @ Raub, Pahang

Last weekend, I brought my friends to visit my home town, Raub. Raub is a small town in Pahang which located between Bentong and Kuala Lipis. By using the Karak highway and enter to Bentong, Raub is around 48km from there.

My hometown is a quiet yet very happening town (especially at night). The town's speciality is durians as I heard that most of our durians are exported to China. I also heard that KL people who ate our durians, will come back for next time, just for durians!

Since all my friends love durians, why not go for a durian buffet? I brought them to my friend's orchard. Of course not owned by her, it's owned by her dad.

You need to make the booking before you go there as they need to ensure the place is not too crowded and visitors are able to enjoy their durians. So, remember... Make your booking before your planned date for the durian feast!

We reached the orchard around 1 pm. The orchard located in a very rural area which is about 15-20 mins drive away from the town. A place called Kampung Gali Hilir. You need to notice the "Raub Durian Orchard" signboard at your right-hand side and a green mosque. I advised my friend to make the signboard bigger so the tourists are able to notice the location.

While we settled down and waiting the durians to be served, we walked around the orchard to enjoy the green scenery before the buffet starts (not your-everyday-scenery if you're working or living in KL!). They also have a small pond for tourists to enjoy fishing, bird's nest farm and bee farm. 

They also have a small villa and BBQ spot. Which (if I'm not mistaken), only for their family and friends' outing.

A creative way to make seats for visitors to sit and chill out. But under the hot blazing sun, don't really sit on them! Your bum sure burns!

 The main attraction! The Durians! Just waiting them to ripen and fall down!

Mangosteen, Bulasan (kinda like rambutan, but it's quite hard and not hairy one. More like thorny), Rambutan, Longan ("Dragon-eyes"). It's not the local fruit season yet, that's why all are still greenish. 

Be careful of falling durians! This durian fell onto the ground after my friend just passed the spot around 5 cm behind him! I heard an old saying which says, "The durians know one's characteristic. If you are good one, they won't fall on your head!" 

This is the area for visitors to enjoy their durians! I took this photo after the 2-3 groups of visitors went home (I'm too shy to take their pictures... hehehe). This place is so crowded with people!

So, we got The Villa Musang King as our spot to chill out and enjoy the durians. 

Today's menu: Red Prawn (D175), D88, D24, D2, Musang King, Tekar, Hor Loh (D163) and XO.

Nom nom nom... The durians feast starts! They also provided us some mangosteens but not other local fruit as it's not the fruits season yet. 

TIPS: Remember to drink "durian water" after eating durians! To release your body heat as durians are quite "heaty" (Chinese word)! Some people prefer to have a pinch of salt in the durian's shell before pouring the water (drinkable) into and SLURP! And I heard that if you used the durian's seed to wash your hand, there won't be stinky smell on your hand. But we didn't try that out.  

The bee farm. They have two types of bees, the big one and small one.  Both of them are not aggressive type and harmful. The difference I heard is that the big one produced a sweeter honey but smaller one produced sourish honey that taste kinda like wine.

My friend has a try out for the sourish honey! At first the bees looked so scary, but uncle said, "Don't worry! They won't sting you! Just suck their honey!" So he did.

Want to buy some durians and bring them back home to enjoy? Yup! You can buy the durians from them! And if you don't want to trouble yourself opening the durians, they can open up the durians and packed them into plastic containers (with some charges on the containers).

Red durian??! For real?! But seriously, they are really existed. The red durians are known as Durian Hutan (means Wild Durian) which only available in Sabah and Sarawak. Uncle told us to wait for 6 years as he just starts growing these specimen.

YOU SHOULD BE HERE! Photo session with the frame they provided. 

Come to visit Raub and the Raub Durian Orchard! 

Starts to plan out your trip and make the booking yo!!! Or visit their FB page, or their website,

Raub Durian Orchard,
Kg. Gali Hilir,
Raub, Pahang.

PS: Thank you for all my friends who has become my "models" here!

With loves,
your lil BFF xoxo


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