Monday, June 2, 2014

National Achievers Congress Malaysia 2014

A week has passed since the National Achievers Congress Malaysia 2014 which held in  Mines Exhibition Convention Centre (MIECC) on 23rd May till 25th May 2014. For three days, we gained experience and knowledge from the successful speakers invited to this event.

The key speakers are Nick Vujicic, Tom Hopkins, Brendon Burchard and the panel of speakers who are Andrew Matthews (Author of 'Being Happy'), Shiv Khera (India's Top Educator, Business Consultant and International Speaker), Caroline Claydon (Rich Dad Education Property Investor and Coach), John Burley (Legendary Real Estate Investor-Mentor), Sean and Cayden (Masters of Value Investing), Gerry Robert (Best Selling Author, Mentor and International Speaker), J.T. Foxx (World's #1 Wealth Coach), Peng Joon (Voted #1 Digital Marketer) Adam Ginsberg (The #1 Expert on Making Big Money on the Internet) and Kathlyn Toh (Top Financial Training Coach and Professional Investor).

One of my favourite speakers among the nine speakers is Andrew Matthews. (Note: All the photos I took below are not so clear as I used my handphone to take them and some are other people helped us to take one).

Andrew Matthews  is the author of 'Being Happy' and his latest book, 'How Life Works' which just launched on 24th May 2014. He taught us that even you are in a deep trouble having complex issues facing challenges, just face them with a positive thinking with a smile. Everything's gonna be alright! He also mentioned that the Law of Attraction really works without you realizing! 

During his talk, he entertained the audience with his cartoons! He drew them so fast and at the same time, he's speaking. His cartoon and explanation of 'How Life Works' charmed the audience and his book sold out fast!

I managed to grab the red version of 'How Life Works' (he explained that his wife loves the red wording, but he preferred blue one. Unable to make decisions, his wife told him to publish two versions of the cover, the Blue and Red together). I have my book signed by him! └(^o^)┘

The other speaker who I admired is... the highlight of this National Achievers Congress 2014... Nick Vujicic!!! I have been waiting so long to attend his talk after I missed out his talk in 2013 at Sunway University.

The hall was so crowded with people after lunch as Nick Vujicic is the last speaker for the event.

And, he is FINALLY HERE!!! People were standing to greet him, calling his name, taking photos of him and also clapping to welcome him.

His speeches are inspiring, meaningful and at one time, sad when he told us that he once thought about suicide when he was 10 years old (I almost cried out twice). He told us his stories about how he chooses to become a speaker as his career. From the words of his school janitor, he went and giving speeches at church, how he called up 52 schools to allow him to speak, how devastating he feels when he thought this career path is failing and to when people recognised him as a speaker.

He gave us 8 principles (he always give 7 but people loves the EIGHT, so he giving us EIGHT).

1. TRY. You don't know what you can achieve until you TRY.
2. An attitude of gratitude. Always be thankful and do not take things for granted
3. When I fail, I will try again
4. Failure = Education
5. Obstacles = Opportunity
6. Dream BIG
7. NEVER give up
8. Have faith

Andrew Matthews and Nick Vujicic are brilliant motivational speakers that I ever hear and I really enjoyed both of their talk. Hopefully there will be another chance to meet them again in future! (∩__∩)

your lil BFF 

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